How to "get acquainted" with your man's G-spots?

A woman wears a beloved man

Men often appear completely vulnerable and inappropriate in many situations. However, their body can respond to love in the same way as a woman, in some cases even stronger. A woman's touch has a lot of power over them - have you ever wondered why this happens? G-dots in men are very small in number, but they can give it the strongest sensations during foreplay or love.

Most men unanimously agree that the most important such point is the penis and this opinion is not unfounded. This is where many nerve endings are located that are very close to the surface of the skin. A woman has about the same number in the clitoris, except that they are located much closer to each other. Directly in the male genital area can be distinguished several points, the stimulation of which can lead to a state of increased arousal:

  • Penis head - has sensitivity due to the thin mucous membranes of the surface, with which many nerve endings are very close. However, the head continues to the sensitive zone only as long as there is a precursor that protects it from the friction of the garment. If a man is circumcised, then after a certain period of time his skin becomes rough and stimulation of this part of the body will no longer cause such a strong reaction that you could have observed earlier.
  • Frenulum - Located around the membrane of the penis. This is also an area of increased sensitivity, but requires careful treatment. Careless movements during stimulation can easily damage it.
  • The testicles, like the frenulum, require mild stimulation. Strong compression can hurt your partner and the whole experience of sexual intercourse will be hopelessly ruined.
  • Perineum region - oddly enough, is also the G-spot in men, but not because of the large number of nerve endings, but because of the proximity of the prostate, which is nice to stimulate.
  • Anus - Despite the drastic negative attitudes of many men towards the colors of this particular part of the body, he is nonetheless also sensitive. Therefore, if your partner does not indulge in various prejudices, you can spread the incentive there as well.

Since nature has determined that the only particularly sensitive place on a man’s body is his genitals, we must not forget that he needs to perform hygienic procedures before having an intimate relationship.

The man was excited to touch the girl

The nuances of caring for a man's body with the help of his hands

How to excite a man with a touch? In which cases do you need more intense coloring and which - lighter? These questions often arise in a woman’s mind. There are also situations when, out of passion and approval of a loved one, a woman begins to intensively stimulate in an area that does not require it at all.

First of all, it is necessary to learn that the testicles and pupils are the areas of the genitals that need the most respectful touch. Therefore, all stimulation of these sites should be reduced to stroke. No sudden movements, no contractions - this is not at all pleasant for men. Just a light touch: they act in the most exciting way.

Meanwhile, the shaft of the penis and the perineal area can withstand more intense stimulation, such as light pressure. At the same time, do not forget about the partner's stomach, especially its lower part, which also reacts strongly to light blows.

The G-spot in men is also on the inside of his thigh, near the groin. Moreover, it is not necessary to touch it with your hand - just touch it to the chest or cheek and it will lead your partner to a state of increased excitement.

Nuances of oral sex erogenous zones

Unlike hands, lips and tongue can be much more pleasing to men. Therefore, if you want to bring a man to orgasm, you probably will not find a better way. Here only the problem of the oral cavity can be a restriction, namely the cut side of the tooth, which can cause damage to the delicate skin of the penis. Some women believe that oral sex only requires the penis itself. However, this statement is not true and with the appropriate hygienic measures it is possible to even color the erogenous zone of the anus.

By the way, a light kiss can cover the area around the neck and earlobes. These are also sensitive areas of the male body, although in the intensity of the sensations they lag far behind the penis in many ways. Rather, they serve to warm the passion to further bolder colors.

Of course, every person is an individual. And what one likes may not impress the other at all. Therefore, only through trials will you be able to study the body of a loved one and understand how to give him unforgettable pleasure in bed and warm his passion, which may have been slightly extinguished due to routine in intimate life.